Caduceus Database

Excision of the appendix.

Appendicitis is a condition when the appendix becomes inflamed. It often causes acute abdominal pain, and if left untreated, the appendix may burst and fester, creating inflammations within the abdominal cavity. This complication is also known as peritonitis.


To treat appendicitis, an appendectomy must be performed. First, the white sedative is to be injected into the appendix, and the mesoappendix severed. Then, the wires must be tied around the base of the organ and around the appendix. This is performed using the wire loop that appears for this purpose. Afterwards, the appendix can be excised properly and extracted, with the large intestine patched up using a synthetic membrane and antibiotic gel.

There are cases where the appendix has burst, causing pools of pus to form. These must be drained or inflammations will form. Pus will also get in the way of excision, and so must be drained to allow the operation to continue. Once the appendix has been excised and removed, pus formation will stop.

    vde Diseases and Conditions
Common Conditions AneurysmAppendicitisBurnCardiac ArrestCholelithiasisForeign ObjectHemorrhageInflammationLacerationTumor
GUILT KyriakiDefteraTritiTetarti (Diverticulum)PemptiParaskeviSavatoBliss
Stigma CheirSomaOpsOnyxBrachionCardia
Post-GUILT Syndrome Post-KyriakiPost-TritiPost-PemptiPost-Savato
Neo-GUILT NousBythosSigeAletheia
Other Rosalia Virus (Twisted Rosalia)Costigar DiseaseVaimahse Fever